SDL2 Test 02

Background Welcome back! Or welcome for the first time! If you do happen to be stopping by for the first time you may want to read the first two posts in this little series. Of course if you want to stay here you are most welcome. So, what are we doing? Creating prototypes that can form together into something resembling a game. Lets Get Shaking Looking back on our last post I noted at the end that it’d be nice to add a screen shake effect. …

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SDL2 Test 01

Background Welcome back! This is the first release of a few bits of SDL2/Go prototype code. The plan is to combine those bits together into a whole at some point. This method may work out well. We’ve had a good start on our build and release tooling. As part of that, we also have a very simple example of displaying an image on screen. Looking Back The Windows build script worked as expected! …

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Game Dev 2020

Background Having grown up with the rise of entertainment software I have a pretty long history with gaming. As part of that, I’ve flirted off and on with making games. This takes the form of some general messing around. I’ll do that until something else catches my scattered attention. I’ve been thinking since the beginning of the year that I want to try to cobble something together. I’d be a good reason for me to blog and gives me a nice excuse to continue messing around with Go and SDL2. …

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Attempting to Learn Go - Issuer 04 - Addendum

Whoops Our last Issuer post left out one small bit of code. Let’s fix that and wrap this up. Also, let’s cover how to test the webhook before moving to Google Cloud Functions. Missed if As I published Issuer to Google Cloud Functions I meant to update the code. The idea is to only create new issues when the originating payload action was opened. The final revision of the post left that out though so here we go. …

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Attempting to Learn Go - Issuer 03 - Cloud Function Go!

Functioning In The Cloud Welcome back! We are just done with our GitHub TODO issue creator thing. This time around we’re going to go through the steps to deploy it as a Google Cloud Function. To do this we’ll need to alter the code. But before we dive into the code itself we’ll need to get setup to use Go modules. Go Mod First, we’ll need to get our mod file ready. …

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