
Intro For months now I’ve had a tab open in my browser on my main computer - Reclaiming the Web with a Personal Reader. I’ve read the article a couple of times and really like the idea of using a personal and extendable feed reader. Finally around a week ago I cloned the repo from GitHub to check it out. After a couple of tweaks to the Makefile to make it work with my laptops configuration I was up and running. …

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Attempting to Learn Go - Ghost to Hugo 4

Intro Here we are once again! If you missed the last couple of posts I suggest reading them first to get a feeling for how our little prototype has evolved. This time around we’re going to be doing some refactoring to clean up a bit. The majority of what we’ll be doing is adding methods to our “database” struct. The Method What is a method? Well, you can think of it as a function that is attached to a struct. …

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Attempting to Learn Go - Ghost to Hugo 3

Intro We’re back once again to continue our work on the ghost2hugo prototype. So far we can open the JSON file, load the data into memory, and print out the Markdown for the first post. The next step is to make sure we can read and process every post included in the backup. Looping We’re going to replace all the code that prints a single article with a loop that prints out each article. …

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Polywork Poster in Go

Intro A couple of days ago I finally got access to Polywork. Which, for those who don’t know, is like a new-aged Linkedin. It allows you to create a timeline of your work and accomplishments. The idea is that people will be able to contact you through the site to offer you work or opportunities.Take a look at meta.shindakun.dev for a simple example timeline. One of the things that struck me was that there is no public API at the moment. …

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SDL2 Test 03 - Part 01

Background So here we are at the end of month and what a crazy month it’s been. You may not be too surprised to hear that I’ve been trying to start this post for the last two weeks. It’s been quite crazy around here though so I never actually got around to doing it. However, now that we are down to the wire I wanted to make sure at least I got a post up that covers a bit of what I wanted to have up today. …

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