Attempting to Learn Go - Issuer 03 - Cloud Function Go!

Functioning In The Cloud Welcome back! We are just done with our GitHub TODO issue creator thing. This time around we’re going to go through the steps to deploy it as a Google Cloud Function. To do this we’ll need to alter the code. But before we dive into the code itself we’ll need to get setup to use Go modules. Go Mod First, we’ll need to get our mod file ready. …

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Attempting to Learn Go - Issuer 02

GitHub Issuer Welcome back! Though if you haven’t read the first part, you may want to. We’re expanding on the code that we write last time. Adding in the ability to actually create new issues in our TODO repository and add them to the kanban board. Yes the most over-engineered TODO “system” is going to get an upgrade. With that out of the way lets get right into it. Lets Go Our imports have expanded as we’re pulling in a bunch of bits from the standard library and a few external packages. …

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Attempting to Learn Go - Issuer 01

GitHub Issuer If you didn’t happen to read the last post I’ll give you a brief overview. I’m trying out a new system to tackle my project load and my TODO list. The problem is that the current setup is very manual. Each “thing”, or project, I want to do gets its own repository with its own automated kanban board. I open an issue in the repo, assign it to the project board and “bam”, new task. …

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Working On A New Flow

New Flow I’ve realized over the last couple of weeks that I have way more projects that I want to work on then time in the day. I just don’t have as much free time as I used to and can’t seem to burn the midnight oil anymore. I’ve tried a few methods to try and keep my projects well defined and under a manageable scope. Each has had its drawbacks and never quite worked. …

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