WIP Hugo Theme

Intro I’ve been putting in some time “Indiewebifying” my Hugo theme, which started as a fork of the Solar theme by Bake. It’s slowly becoming more and more of my own. I’m not much of a front end developer so I’ve keep most of the basic CSS, removing only small bits and adding things where needed to fit my needs. This little post is just to remind me of what I’ve been doing, if you would like to know more just ask. …

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Adding gcc to git bash

So today I was working on my “main” computer which didn’t have much set up on it. Basically only git bash. Problem is I wanted to work on my Hugo site and theme. …

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Getting Reacquainted With Hugo

Testing testing testing It’s been a bit since I’ve looked at my Hugo blog here on shindakun.dev. Hugo First things first, I need to get all my repositories in line. When I originally set everything up I had it separated in a couple different repos. The main repo held everything needed to build the base Hugo. I had two submodules for the themes that power the site. Finally, I had a repo just for blog posts. …

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Adding a Book Cover Shortcode for Hugo

Background There has been some chatter on the micro.blog timeline about adding some better tools for book covers when sharing book suggestions, etc. @michaelfransen started off asking about a gallery of images similar to the way the Photos page works. As the conversation went on @jsonbecker brought up the idea of ISBN to cover image inside of a Hugo data page. There are a few services that have APIs that should get the image, Goodreads (Amazon) and Google Books are the biggest. …

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Webmentions are Great (Mostly)

Oh No Why are there two author icons?! We’ll get back to that in a moment. Webmetion Bliss After setting up and documenting how I deployed webmentions on micro.blog it got picked up by a few people on the site! That was really nice - especially since it worked for the most part. I attempted to make it as clear as possible so others could follow in my footsteps and I succeeded - a few people got set up and were running with mentions. …

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